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Motorbike Clothing Buying Guide

  • 31 Mar 2024

Riding a motorbike is not just about the thrill and freedom it offers; it's also about ensuring your safety. One of the most significant aspects of this is choosing the right motorcycle clothing. This motorbike clothing buying guide will help you understand what to look for when buying motorcycle clothing, ensuring you're well-protected and comfortable on your rides.

Why Is Motorcycle Clothing Important?

Motorcycle clothing serves two main purposes: protection and comfort. In case of an accident, the right gear can significantly reduce the risk of severe injuries. It can protect you from harsh weather conditions, debris on the road, and even bugs. Moreover, wearing appropriate motorbike clothing can enhance your riding experience by providing comfort and ease during long rides.

What to Consider When Buying Motorbike Clothing

1. Material

The material of your motorcycle clothing plays a crucial role in determining its protective capabilities and comfort level. Leather is a popular choice due to its high durability and resistance to abrasion. However, it may not be as comfortable in hot weather as textiles, which offer better breathability.

For those who ride in various weather conditions, consider motorbike clothing made from Gore-Tex or similar materials that are waterproof yet breathable.

2. Protection

Motorcycle clothing should come with built-in protective features such as padding or armor at critical impact points like knees, elbows, shoulders, hips, and back. Look for CE (Conformité Européene) certified armour for guaranteed protection levels.

3. Fit

The fit of your motorcycle clothing is crucial for both safety and comfort. Loose-fitting gear may not provide adequate protection in an accident as armor could shift away from impact points. On the other hand, too tight gear can restrict movement and cause discomfort during long rides.

4. Visibility

Visibility is a key safety factor when riding a motorbike. Choose motorbike clothing with reflective panels or piping that make you more visible to other road users, especially during night rides or in poor weather conditions.

5. Versatility

If you ride in different weather conditions, consider versatile motorbike clothing. Look for jackets and trousers with removable thermal liners and ventilation zips that can adapt to changing weather.

Motorbike Clothing Essentials

1. Helmets

Helmets are the most critical piece of motorcycle clothing. They protect your head, which is vulnerable to severe injuries in an accident. Look for motorcycle helmets that meet safety standards, such as DOT (Department of Transportation) or ECE (Economic Commission for Europe). Consider features like comfort lining, ventilation system, and visor type based on your riding needs.

2. Jackets and Trousers

Motorbike jackets and trousers protect your upper body and legs from impact and abrasion injuries. Motorcycle jackets and motorcycle trousers should have CE-certified armour at critical points and be made from durable materials like leather or abrasion-resistant textiles.

3. Gloves

Motorcycle gloves protect your hands from impact injuries and offer better grip control. They should be made from durable materials and have reinforced palms, knuckle protection, and a secure fastening system.

4. Boots

Motorcycle boots provide protection to your feet and ankles while offering better control over the bike's foot controls. Look for boots with features like oil-resistant soles, ankle protection, shifter pads, and a secure closure system.

Race Leathers Motorbike Clothing

Choosing the right motorcycle clothing is crucial for your safety and comfort during rides. While it may seem overwhelming with numerous options available in the market, keeping these factors in mind will help you make an informed decision: material, protection level offered, fit, visibility factor offered by the gear and versatility of use in different weather conditions.

Check out our full range of products, such as motorcycle clothing, motorcycle boots, motorcycle helmets, motorcycle gloves, motorcycle suits, motorcycle jackets, and motorcycle trousers, which are available online or by visiting our Darwen store today. If you have any questions regarding any of our ranges, please call our customer service team at Race Leathers on 01254 704 000, and we will be more than happy to help.

Remember that investing in high-quality motorbike clothing is not just about style; it's about ensuring you're well-protected on every ride. So take your time to research thoroughly before making a purchase decision – your safety is worth it!