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Understanding the Two Finger Rule for Children's Motorcycle Helmets

  • 07 May 2024

Motorcycle helmets are critical safety tools, especially when it comes to protecting our young ones. Given the myriad of options available in the market, selecting the right children's motorcycle helmets can be daunting. However, one essential aspect that parents should not overlook is ensuring that the helmet fits correctly. This is where the two-finger rule comes into play.

The Two-Finger Rule Explained

The two-finger rule is a simple yet effective method used to determine if a helmet fits correctly. According to this rule, you should be able to fit two fingers between your child's eyebrows and the helmet. If there is more space than this, it means that the helmet is too big and may not provide adequate protection in case of an accident.

Similarly, if there isn't enough space for two fingers, it indicates that the helmet is too small and may cause discomfort or even pain due to pressure points. In addition to this, a small helmet may not cover all necessary areas of the head, leaving your child vulnerable to injuries.

Why Is The Two-Finger Rule Important?

Ensuring Proper Protection

The primary purpose of children's motorcycle helmets is to protect against head injuries in case of an accident. A well-fitting helmet will provide optimal protection by absorbing impact forces and preventing direct contact between your child's head and hard surfaces. If a helmet is too large or too small, its ability to offer this protection significantly diminishes.

Comfort and Concentration

A well-fitting motorcycle helmet also contributes towards comfort during rides. An oversized or undersized helmet can cause discomfort due to excessive movement or pressure points respectively. This discomfort can distract your child while riding, which could potentially lead to accidents.

Preventing Helmet Loss During Accidents

A poorly fitting helmet could come off easily upon impact due to being too loose, leaving your child's head unprotected during the most critical moment. The two-finger rule helps ensure that the helmet stays securely in place during accidents.

Choosing the Right Children's Motorcycle Helmets

Understanding Helmet Sizes

Children's motorcycle helmets come in various sizes, typically indicated by measurements in centimetres or hat sizes. Measuring your child's head circumference accurately before purchasing a helmet is essential. This measurement should be taken around the widest part of the head, which is usually just above the eyebrows and ears.

Consider Helmet Shape

Different helmets are designed to fit different head shapes. These shapes are generally categorized into three types: round oval, intermediate oval, and long oval. Understanding your child’s head shape can help you select a helmet that fits comfortably and securely.

Check for Safety Certifications

Ensure that any helmet you consider buying has been tested and certified by recognized safety standards organizations such as DOT (Department of Transportation) or Snell Memorial Foundation. These certifications guarantee that the helmet has met specific safety criteria.


The two-finger rule is a simple yet effective way to ensure that children's motorcycle helmets fit correctly, providing optimal protection and comfort for young riders. However, it is only one aspect of selecting a suitable helmet. Parents should also consider factors like helmet size, shape, and safety certifications when choosing a motorcycle helmet for their children.

Remember, no matter how short or slow the ride may be, never compromise on your child’s safety by letting them ride without a properly fitting helmet.

Check out our full range of motorcycle helmets, including full face motorcycle helmets, open face motorcycle helmets, flip front motorcycle helmets, off road motorcycle helmets and childrens motorcycle helmets, available online or by visiting our Darwen store today. If you have any questions regarding any of our ranges, please call our customer service team at Race Leathers Motorcycle Gear store on 01254 704 000 and we will be more than happy to help.