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What Do You Wear Under Motorcycle Trousers?

  • 01 May 2024

Motorcycling is not just about hitting the road and feeling the wind in your hair. It's also about safety, comfort, and style. One of the most common questions that both novice and experienced riders often ask is: "What do you wear under motorcycle trousers?" This seemingly simple question has a more complex answer than you might think. In this blog post, we will delve into the different options available to you when it comes to what to wear under motorcycle trousers.

Understanding Motorcycle Trousers

Before we get into what goes underneath, let's take a moment to understand why motorcycle trousers are so important. Motorcycle trousers are designed with safety in mind. They are typically made from tough materials like leather or heavy-duty textiles that can withstand high impact and protect your legs in case of an accident. Moreover, they often come with built-in armour for extra protection for your knees and hips.

However, these protective features can sometimes make motorcycle trousers less comfortable than regular pants. They can be heavy, hot, and restrictive. That's where the right undergarments come into play.

Comfortable Underwear Options

The first layer of clothing directly against your skin is crucial for comfort during long rides. When it comes to underwear options under motorcycle trousers, there are several factors to consider: material, fit, and length.

Material: Choose breathable fabrics like cotton or moisture-wicking materials like polyester or nylon blends that can keep you dry and comfortable throughout your ride.

Fit: The underwear should fit snugly but not too tight as it could restrict movement or cause discomfort over time.

Length: Longer styles like boxer briefs or cycling shorts can provide additional comfort by reducing friction between your skin and the motorcycle trousers.

Thermal Layers for Cold Weather Riding

If you're riding in cold weather conditions, adding a thermal layer under your motorcycle trousers can make a significant difference. Thermal leggings or long johns made from wool or synthetic materials can provide excellent insulation and keep you warm during your ride.

Remember, the key here is to choose thermal layers that are thin and lightweight. Bulky layers can restrict your movement and make it harder for you to control your bike.

Base Layers for Hot Weather Riding

Riding in hot weather presents its own set of challenges. You want to stay cool and dry under your motorcycle trousers without compromising on safety. In this case, specially designed motorcycle base layers can be a lifesaver.

These base layers are typically made from high-tech fabrics that wick away sweat, dry quickly, and allow your skin to breathe. Some even offer UV protection. They fit tightly against your skin, creating a second-skin effect that helps reduce friction and chafing.

Choose What Works Best for You

In conclusion, what you wear under your motorcycle trousers largely depends on personal preference, riding conditions, and the type of riding you do. Whether it's comfortable underwear, thermal layers for cold weather riding or base layers for hot weather riding, the key is to choose undergarments that enhance comfort and safety while riding.

Remember that motorcycling is meant to be an enjoyable experience. So take the time to find the right gear – including what goes under your motorcycle trousers – so you can focus on the joy of the ride rather than discomfort or safety concerns. Happy riding!

Race Leathers Motorcycle Gear

Check out our full range of products, such as motorcycle clothing, motorcycle boots, motorcycle helmets, motorcycle gloves, motorcycle suits, motorcycle jackets, and motorcycle trousers, which are available online or by visiting our Darwen store today. If you have any questions regarding any of our ranges, please call our customer service team at Race Leathers on 01254 704 000, and we will be more than happy to help.