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What's The Life Expectancy Of A Helmet?

  • 01 Mar 2024

As a motorcycle enthusiast, your helmet is more than just a piece of protective gear. It's an extension of your personality, a symbol of freedom and most importantly, a life-saving device. But have you ever wondered about the life expectancy of your motorcycle helmet? How long does it last before it needs to be replaced?

In this blog post, we will delve into the lifespan of a helmet and provide valuable tips to ensure that your motorcycle helmet remains in optimal condition for as long as possible.

Understanding the Lifespan of Motorcycle Helmets

Motorcycle helmets are designed to provide maximum protection for riders. However, they are not invincible and their effectiveness can diminish over time. The general rule of thumb in the industry is that a motorcycle helmet should be replaced every five years from the date of purchase or seven years from its production date.

This guideline is based on studies conducted by helmet manufacturers and safety institutions such as the Snell Memorial Foundation. They argue that changes in the quality of materials used in helmets – including degradation caused by sweat, hair oils, cosmetics, and exposure to sunlight – can significantly reduce their protective capabilities over time.

However, this doesn't mean that all helmets will automatically become ineffective after five years. The lifespan of a helmet can vary depending on several factors, such as its quality, how often it's used, how well it's cared for, and whether it has sustained any impact.

Signs That Your Helmet Needs Replacement

While adhering to the five-year rule is advisable for safety reasons, other signs indicate when your motorcycle helmet needs replacement:

1. Visible Damage: If you notice any cracks or deformities in the shell or lining of your helmet after an accident or drop from a significant height, it’s time for a new one. Even if there’s no visible damage after a crash, the helmet's integrity could still be compromised.

2. Wear and Tear: Over time, the interior padding of your helmet can wear down, causing it to fit less snugly. A loose helmet can pose a serious safety risk as it may not provide adequate protection during a crash.

3. Outdated Design: Helmet technology is constantly evolving. If your helmet lacks recent safety features such as MIPS (Multi-directional Impact Protection System), it might be worth upgrading to a newer model.

Maintaining Your Motorcycle Helmet

Proper maintenance can extend the life expectancy of your motorcycle helmet. Here are some tips:

1. Clean Regularly: Sweat and oils from your skin can degrade the helmet's interior over time. Use mild soap and water to clean the liner and shell regularly.

2. Store Properly: Keep your helmet in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight when not in use.

3. Handle with Care: Avoid dropping your helmet or placing it on uneven surfaces where it could fall off.

4. Use a Helmet Bag: A bag will protect your helmet from scratches, dust, and other potential damage when you're not wearing it.

Investing in Safety

While replacing your motorcycle helmets every five years or so may seem costly, remember that you're investing in your safety – which is priceless. Always prioritize quality over price when buying a new helmet; look for models that meet or exceed safety standards set by organisations like DOT (Department of Transportation) or Snell Memorial Foundation.

In conclusion, while motorcycle helmets are designed to last for several years, their life expectancy can be influenced by various factors, including usage frequency, care routine, and impact history. By understanding these factors and taking steps to maintain your helmet properly, you can ensure maximum protection throughout its lifespan.

Check out our full range of products, including full face motorcycle helmets, open face motorcycle helmets, flip front motorcycle helmets, off road motorcycle helmets and motorcycle helmets, available online or by visiting our Darwen store today. If you have any questions regarding any of our ranges, please call our customer service team at Race Leathers at 01254 704 000 and we will be more than happy to help.
