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Childrens Motorcycle Gear Guide

  • 15 Apr 2024

Motorcycling is a thrilling activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages, including children. However, ensuring the safety of your little ones while they indulge in this exhilarating hobby is paramount. One of the most critical aspects of motorcycling safety is wearing the right gear, and this includes children's motorcycle helmets. This guide will provide you with all the information you need to choose the best childrens motorcycle gear for your kid.

Choosing the Right Children’s Motorcycle Helmets

The helmet is arguably the most crucial piece of motorcycle gear. It protects your child's head, which is extremely vulnerable in case of an accident. When selecting a helmet for your child, there are several factors to consider.

Firstly, ensure that it meets safety standards The latest safety standard is ECE 22.06. This guarantees that the helmet has undergone rigorous testing for impact absorption and penetration resistance.

Secondly, consider its size and fit. A helmet should fit snugly on your child's head without causing discomfort or pain. It should not move around when shaken or tilted.

Lastly, look at its design and features. Some childrens motorcycle helmets come with additional features like face shields and ventilation systems for added comfort and protection.

Children’s Motorcycle Jackets

Next to helmets, childs motorcycle jackets are another essential piece of gear that provides protection against abrasions and impacts during a fall or crash. When choosing a jacket for your child, consider its material first. Leather jackets offer excellent abrasion resistance but may not be suitable for hot weather due to their lack of breathability. On the other hand, textile jackets are lighter and more breathable but may not provide as much protection as leather ones.

Also, ensure that it has protective padding in critical areas such as elbows, shoulders and back. Finally, opt for a jacket with adjustable straps or belts so it can be adjusted to fit your child perfectly.

Children’s Motorcycle Gloves

Motorcycle gloves are often overlooked but are essential for protecting your child's hands during a fall or crash. They also provide better grip and control over the motorcycle. When choosing gloves, look for ones made from durable materials like leather or Kevlar. They should also have reinforced palms and knuckles for added protection.

Ensure that the gloves fit well without restricting movement. They should also have adjustable straps for a secure fit and ventilation holes to prevent sweating.

Children’s Motorcycle Boots

Lastly, don't forget about boots. A good pair of motorcycle boots can protect your child's feet and ankles in case of an accident. They also provide better grip when riding, especially in wet conditions.

Look for boots made from sturdy materials like leather or synthetic leather with reinforcements in the toe and heel areas. They should also have non-slip soles and adjustable straps or laces for a secure fit.

Race Leathers Darwen

Choosing the right motorcycle gear is crucial for your child's safety while riding. Remember that while style and design are important, they should never compromise safety. Always opt for gear that meets safety standards, fits well, and is made from durable materials.

Check out our full range of products, such as motorcycle clothing, motorcycle boots, motorcycle helmets, motorcycle gloves, motorcycle suits, childs motorcycle jackets, and childrens motorcycle trousers, which are available online or by visiting our Darwen store today. If you have any questions regarding any of our ranges, please call our customer service team at Race Leathers on 01254 704 000, and we will be more than happy to help.

Investing in high-quality children's motorcycle helmets and other gear may seem expensive initially, but it is a small price to pay considering the protection they offer to your child. So equip your little rider with the best gear and let them enjoy their motorcycling adventures safely!