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Can You Use an Old Motorcycle Helmet?

  • 20 May 2024

Motorcycle helmets are a vital piece of safety equipment for any rider. They not only protect your head in case of an accident but also shield your eyes from dust and wind while riding. However, as time passes, many riders often wonder if they can continue using their old motorcycle helmets or if it's time to invest in a new one. This question is particularly relevant in the UK, where helmet laws are strictly enforced. So, can you use an old motorcycle helmet in the UK? Let's delve into this topic.

Understanding the Importance of Motorcycle Helmets

Before we answer the question at hand, it's essential to understand why motorcycle helmets are so important. Helmets serve as the first line of defence against head injuries during accidents. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), helmets are about 37% effective in preventing motorcycle deaths and about 67% effective in preventing brain injuries.

In addition to providing protection, wearing a helmet is also a legal requirement for motorcyclists in many countries, including the UK. The UK law mandates that all motorcyclists wear helmets that meet specific safety standards while riding on public roads.

The Lifespan of Motorcycle Helmets

Motorcycle helmets don't last forever. Even if they haven't been involved in an accident or suffered any visible damage, their protective qualities can degrade over time due to factors such as UV exposure, general wear and tear, and ageing of materials.

Most helmet manufacturers recommend replacing your helmet every five years from the date of production or seven years from the date of purchase. This recommendation is based on general usage under normal conditions. However, if you ride frequently or expose your helmet to harsh conditions, you may need to replace it sooner.

Can You Use an Old Motorcycle Helmet in The UK?

The short answer is yes; you can use an old motorcycle helmet in the UK, provided it meets the current safety standards and is in good condition. However, if your helmet is more than five years old or has any signs of damage, it's time to consider a replacement.

It's also worth noting that UK law requires all motorcycle helmets to meet either British Standard BS 6658:1985 and carry the BSI Kitemark or ECE Regulation 22.05 standards. If your old helmet doesn't meet these standards, you should replace it immediately.

Choosing the Right Motorcycle Helmet

When choosing a new motorcycle helmet, there are several factors to consider. Firstly, ensure that the helmet meets the safety standards mentioned above. Next, consider its fit and comfort. A well-fitted helmet will provide better protection and make your ride more enjoyable.

Also, features such as ventilation, visor clarity, range of vision, weight, and noise reduction capabilities should be considered. Remember that a higher price doesn't always mean better quality or safety. Read reviews and do your research before making a purchase.

In conclusion, while you can use an old motorcycle helmet in the UK, it's crucial to ensure that it still provides adequate protection. Regularly inspect your helmet for any signs of wear or damage and replace it when necessary. Always remember that wearing a high-quality, well-fitted motorcycle helmet can significantly reduce your risk of severe injury or death in case of an accident.

Stay safe on the roads by prioritising your safety gear – starting with your motorcycle helmet!

Race Leathers Motorcycle Gear

Check out our full range of motorcycle helmets, including full face motorcycle helmets, open face motorcycle helmets, flip front motorcycle helmets, off road motorcycle helmets and childrens motorcycle helmets, available online or by visiting our Darwen store today. If you have any questions regarding any of our ranges, please call our customer service team at Race Leathers Motorcycle Gear store on 01254 704 000 and we will be more than happy to help.